The Catalina 22 Winter MainBrace is now available. Link to download the Winter MainBrace.

The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for the Catalina 22 National Championship Regatta are now available. Link to National Championship Regatta information. 

The Catalina 22 Great Lakes Cruise returns to Door County, Wisconsin. Link to Great Lakes Cruise announcement. 

Upcoming Events

  • Midwinters Regatta, February 1 & 2. hosted by Fleet 103 and Indian River Yacht Club, Kelly Park on Merritt Island, Florida. Link to more information.
  • Region 3 Championship, March 15 & 16, hosted by Lake Monroe Sailing Association, Sanford, Florida.
  • Punchbowl Regatta, April 12 & 13, hosted by Dixie Sailing Club, Lake Martin, Alabama. 
  • Hog Wild Regatta, April 12 & 12, hosted by Iron Mountain Yacht Club, Arkansas. Link to more information.
  • Holiday in Dixie Regatta, April 26 & 27, hosted by the Shreveport Yacht Club, Louisiana.

Link to more events information.

The deadline to submit articles for the Spring MainBrace is Noon Eastern on April 1, 2025.

Thank you,

Rich Fox, C22NSA Editor/Webmaster

MainBrace contact page.